You can stop rebuilding old tracks
The Trackmania One Converter is here
This tool can convert all tracks from Trackmania Original, Trackmania Sunrise, Trackmania United and Trackmania United Forever.

Bring 'em to the new age
Rediscover older tracks
Played one of the older Trackmania games? Then you know well how tracks look. Despite great scenery, the flat shadows and the dull lights have become boring with time passing by. It’s more than time to rediscover them on the strong ManiaPlanet graphic engine, with deep shadows and wonderful sunlight. Start your journey with just one click once you have the tool.
Plantington Bay - RE
by Plantathon
a time saver
Ease the creation process
Our Trackmania One track converter allows you to use any previous track editor to ease the creation process, avoiding you to touch items in Trackmania One. We all know placing each part of the mountains and every single pillar isn’t the funniest thing to do. Build your track, convert it to make it playable on our remake and enjoy the new experience!

[PF] Limit Break
by tableger

Bring 'em to the new age
Spice up your old tracks
Using the Trackmania One track converter will allow you to access the brand new blocks and vehicle behaviours, allowing you to add never before seen possibilities for the track’s gameplay. Ever driven on magnetic roads in older Trackmanias? No? In Trackmania One, you can!
How to use the converter?
1. Download the converter and extract the zip to a new folder
The tool is currently available with Alpine, Speed and Bay.
Keep all files inside, optionally change the output directories and other settings in the XML file
2. Download a Trackmania 1 (Original, Sunrise, United, United Forever) track
3. Once you have the .Challenge.Gbx file, left-click drag it onto the converter EXE file
4. The converter should have created a new .Map.Gbx file now
5. Move the new file to the ManiaPlanet UGC folder (usually Documents/ManiaPlanet/Maps/)
6. Open the new track in the map editor, calculate shadows and re-save the file or make desired edits
Usually the author name/time as well as medal requirements are still kept even in TMOne
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